& C O N S U L T A N T
Intuitive guidance for artists, creative professionals and businesses.
Thank you for visiting my corner of the internet!
I believe we are meant to experience life to the fullest and with as much J O Y as possible. That begins with a deep understanding of what we truly desire and how we can get there.
As a C L A R I T Y C O A C H & C O N S U L T A N T, I help creatives do just that.
I've been a manager and a publicist working in entertainment for over 20 years. There is a through line that connects all my work. That is - I am passionate about helping people get C L E A R and to the core; the heart and soul of what they truly want. I do this through practical and intuitive exploration of their goals, deep held desires and beliefs; helping clients tap into their own inner guiding system and putting to work their gifts and rich network of resources.
If you're feeling a bit uncertain between creative choices, unsure of your next move, or simply needing a safe space to work through specific issues, thoughts, feelings or ideas, I'd love to offer some guidance and partnership throughout your creative process.
I offer a free discovery call to better get to know one another and understand your current needs. From there we can see if we are a good fit for further C L A R I T Y work together.
Thanks again for coming. I look forward to meeting you.
Carolina Alduey, CPC
& C O N S U L T A N T

We're here for a short time, let's make it a fun time.
I want to help you get to the fun part.
How can we get the most out of this short life that we're in. It begins with getting c l e a r on what we actually want and tapping into our infinite intelligence! It's within all of us if we can just get the tools needed to get there. And there's lots of good to be enjoyed.
You can call this career coaching too. And I do it to like, have fun, because honestly that's that whole point. That is why we're here. It means helping you find the answers, because you have them. I want to guide you there.

The C's
Coaching & Consulting Focus Areas
The Foundation
This is where it starts. Whether you're looking for coaching or consultation, we'll first focus on where you want to end up. What are your desires and what are the roadblocks we need to remove for you to get there.
Prioritizing Self-Worth
"We are powerful beyond measure." What are the self-limiting beliefs that we are holding on to? How are we devaluing and underselling ourselves? Where do we need to set better boundaries? These are some of the fundamental areas we will discuss.
The Layup
This is where we get busy. Using both intuitive and practical methods to reach your target goals, we create a plan to connect to the person, group or target audience that you wish to connect with.
The Lifeline
We have everything we need around us, we just have to reach out and grab it. How can we tap into our infinite intelligence and the rich resources around us to make our dreams come to life.
Core Offerings.
Here are some key ways we can collaborate as we navigate your creative journey:
Clarify and Refine Your Creative Vision
High-Impact Creative & Marketing Strategies
Create Financial Security
Harness the Power of AI
Set Healthy and Effective Boundaries
Maximize Your Network
Optimize Your Personal Work Style
Navigate the Creative Process and Flow
One day I was up against the wall, broke and feeling like I had a no idea what I wanted to do with my life. (We've heard similar stories before, yeah?) So, I went online to find answers. After fruitless searches, one of my internet spiritual guides advised, when you're stuck go into a clarity rampage. Say to yourself - "I'm clear, I Iove being clear, I love the feeling of clarity, it's awesome to be clear..."etc etc etc. She advised to write it down on a page, recite these words endlessly, journal them every morning and night and whenever else you could, hundreds of times, until it became an eternal mantra in my mind.
The crazy thing is that all of the sudden, something started happening. Literally in a couple days, I started getting answers. My life began to shift. I could hear the messages the Universe was trying to send me and my life began opening up. I could easily identify the opportunities that were trying to flow in, and within a relatively short time I went from not a penny to my name to living two blocks from the beach making more money than I ever had as a freelance publicist.
I know we hear these kinds of my-life-turned-upside-down stories all the time. This was certainly not the end of my journey but it felt like the beginning. And I was left with this revelatory discovery...the Universe is trying to send us messages and the answers to our prayers, our bodies have an incredible deep knowing and infinite wisdom, but, in order to receive all this awesome information, it starts with getting c l e a r on what we actually want and then going for that.
It starts with
c l a r i t y.
Coaching Pillars
For coaching to work, there are few elements that have to be at play. Here are some of them:

Stillness and Profound Listening
There is something that your body is trying to tell you. What are the whispers nudging you about. I believe that inside of us we all have a creative manual, guiding us, giving us step by step inspirations on how to move, if we can just access it. How can we tap into what we really want - ignore the noise outside and follow our true bliss and calling? My intention and goal is to help you connect with that voice, find that truth and live the fullest life you can possibly live.

Radical Honesty
We have to be honest about what we really want. Radical honesty is about being bold in declaring what it is you want and how you feel. It's about not mudding your desires with other people's wants, expectations or needs. Not thinking that you're "doing too much." What parts of you are you denying to fit into the mold someone else has laid out for you?

Everything starts and ends with us. Part of being a good match is a mutual commitment to ourselves, our growth and to the things we say and promises that we make. No one will say it's easy, and it's certainly takes time, but as you begin to choose yourself you will certainly see that it's worth it.
About me
My name is Carolina Alduey, CPC
I worked in the entertainment industry for over twenty years, as talent manager and public relations professional; starting my career at Columbia Records/Sony Music, where I helped develop press campaigns for international artists including Beyoncé, John Legend, Maxwell and Wyclef Jean. I've also worked with a number of brands including Hennessy, Netflix and Hispanicize. I launched my own company, La Gerencia, to create significant opportunities and visibility for under-represented groups in film and television, and served as a talent manager at the esteemed management and production company, 3 Arts Entertainment, where I carried the same vision and mission.
At the heart of everything I've done there's always been a deep desire for people to understand themselves better. To share their soul message in the the clearest way, walk in their truth and access that which exists at the core of their heart's desire. This meant a lot of informal coaching and creative calls with my clients getting C L E A R on precisely that. I wanted to take all of these years working with creatives and extract what I felt was the most imminent part of my work...so I became a Certified Professional Coach. I'm also a C O N S U L T A N T helping clients properly market themselves to their target audience. My ultimate goal is to use up all my gifts and help my clients access the infinite creative intelligence within themselves so they can live a more prosperous and fulfilling life.